January 2017 Newsletter – LuckyPet

January 2017 Newsletter

January 24, 2017

LuckyPet Pet Stores

January Pets of the Month

Black and white dog wearing a blue pet tag
Brody is a 5-year-old border collie from New Meadows, Idaho. Thanks to Lisa Kundrick for this nice picture.

Small dog with a black pet tag

And this little charmer is Maggie, dressed up for the holidays. Thanks to Norma Logan of Portage, Michigan.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted pictures of their pets! If you have a great picture of your pet (showing off our tag would be nice!), you can submit it here.

If you haven't seen your picture submission in our newsletter, check out our facebook page. Once there, you can see lots of pet pics, submit more and chat with us or other pet fans!

Dog Saves His Human From Freezing

Dog with his owner in the hospital

Up in the very northern tip of Michigan, it gets cold this time of year. On New Year's eve, it got down to about 24 degrees. At about 10:30pm, during a commercial break in the football game, Bob went outside to get some wood for the fire. As he'd done a hundred times, he made the quick trip out in just his long johns and a shirt. This time though, Bob slipped and fell, landing so hard that he couldn't move.

“I was screaming for help but my nearest neighbor is about a quarter mile away and it was 10:30 p.m., but my Kelsey came,” stated Bob.

Kelsey, a golden retriever, stayed with Bob, howling and barking long after Bob's voice gave out, licking his face to keep him awake and most importantly, keeping him warm, never leaving his side. Finally, 20 hours later at 6:30 p.m. the next evening, Bob's neighbor came over to see what Kelsey was howling about. He found Bob unconscious and very cold.

At the hospital, they found Bob's body temperature had dropped to 70 degrees but somehow, he suffered no frostbite; likely because Kelsey had kept him warm. They also found that the fall had compressed Bob's spinal cord, paralyzing him. Without Kelsey's howling, who knows how long it would have been before someone came by to help. It seems clear to just about everyone, that Kelsey is the only reason Bob survived the ordeal.

After surgery than night, Bob soon regained feeling and is making a surprisingly quick recovery considering how bad his situation was. He says his motivation to get well is to be released and get home to his hero, Kelsey. Good girl!

Read more on the Up North Live website.

Dog Finds His Way "Home"

A woman and her dog
Abbey Boyd works at the Northwest Territories SPCA in Yellowknife, way up in the north central part of Canada. She arrived at work Saturday morning, two weeks ago, and met Ted, a German Shepherd/Akita mix who arrived at the shelter the day before. He was very scared and shied away from everyone. When it was time for his walk, Abby tried to coax him out but he was too afraid. She felt bad and made an attempt to show him that he could trust them.

"I fed him cheese-flavoured bacon strips to try to get him to love me," said Abbey.

Chomping down those treats and some soothing words from Abbey was the entire extent of their interaction. Abbey finished her shift and went home. Apparently, that act of compassion made a big impression on Ted.

Early the next morning, Abbey went to her other job for a few hours. When she came home at about 6am, she saw a dog sitting on her deck, by the door. He began barking at her. Initially wary, she approached the dog and it ran past her but stayed nearby. Eventually, the dog made his way back to the door and Abbey continued trying to befriend him. Finally, he came inside and she was able to get close to him. That's when she noticed the unusual scar on his nose- it was Ted. A call to the shelter confirmed that Ted had escaped over a fence the night before.

Now the unusual part; Ted was somehow able to track down Abbey nearly 3.5 miles, from the shelter to her home. He navigated around an airport, through forests and lakes and then through several neighborhoods. Abbey takes this as a sign. There was nothing left to do but adopt him.

Read more and see more pictures on the CBC website.

Valentine's Day Tags for Pets and People

Red and pink heart shaped pet tags with I Heart You stamped on the front and engraving on the back
Valentine's Day Tags- looks just like a Sweetheart! Dress up your pet or give them to your human friends too! Any message engraved on reverse.

Video Funny

Here's an interesting video of Waffle, the house cat reacting to a bobcat right outside a glass door.

This next video is longer (13 min) than normal but worth a watch when you have the time or need a smile. It's from a Japanese show: someone wrote in and wondered where their dog went all day. The show sent a reporter to find out.

Pets from the Internets...

Just cute and funny pet pics found online:

Tiny dog with a doggy hoodie on
A cat looking sophisticated with his arm resting on the ledge of an open window
A very short and very cute dog
A long haired cat on the top of a log
A dog chewing on a cat's face lovingly

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