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November Pets of the Month
This is 6 month old Lemmy, caught with his tongue sticking out as he intensely watches something in the back yard. He's wearing his plastic ID tag.
Thank you to Sarah J. of Seattle, WA for sending in this fun pic.

And this cutie is Dasher, posing proudly and showing off the paw jewelry tag.
Thank you to Vanessa Cox of Woodbridge, VA for this great picture.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted pictures of their pets! If you have a great picture of your pet (showing off our tag would be nice!), you can submit it here.
If you haven't seen your picture submission in our newsletter, check out our facebook page. Once there, you can see lots of pet pics, submit more and chat with us or other pet fans!
Heartwarming News Video
Last month, a news team from WWL-TV in Louisiana was sent out to cover the story of an early morning fire in the town of Kenner, just west of New Orleans. Since the battle against the fire was just wrapping up during the morning news, the team was scheduled to do a live report from the scene.
Just before going on the air, the reporter found the owner of one of the stores that burned. Her name is Janet Dupris and her store, Angels Pet Grooming.
Dupris explained how she was driving to work and heard about the two-alarm fire. As she got close to her shop, the road was blocked off. She told a police officer that she was trying to get to her store. That was how she found out that it was her business that had burned down.
She went on to explain that on top of that devastating news, they have a cat and bird that live in the shop. She said the firemen had described to her how they tried to go inside but as soon as they opened the door, the ceiling was falling so they had to retreat and fight the fire from outside. They didn't know what the insides looked like but they hadn't given up hope yet.
As if on cue, on live TV, a fireman walks up from the burned building behind Dupris and the reporter, carrying a big fluffy white cat. The bird was fine as well! Even after losing her business, it's a great moment for her and for live TV! Watch the video on the WWL website.
Just before going on the air, the reporter found the owner of one of the stores that burned. Her name is Janet Dupris and her store, Angels Pet Grooming.
Dupris explained how she was driving to work and heard about the two-alarm fire. As she got close to her shop, the road was blocked off. She told a police officer that she was trying to get to her store. That was how she found out that it was her business that had burned down.
She went on to explain that on top of that devastating news, they have a cat and bird that live in the shop. She said the firemen had described to her how they tried to go inside but as soon as they opened the door, the ceiling was falling so they had to retreat and fight the fire from outside. They didn't know what the insides looked like but they hadn't given up hope yet.
As if on cue, on live TV, a fireman walks up from the burned building behind Dupris and the reporter, carrying a big fluffy white cat. The bird was fine as well! Even after losing her business, it's a great moment for her and for live TV! Watch the video on the WWL website.
Volunteer Team Gets Dog Off Mountain
"Never walk your mastiff farther than you're willing to carry him back."
That was the comment of a mastiff owner who read this story on Facebook. Apparently some mastiffs can be a bit... lazy; the reader wasn't too surprised at how this story unfolded.
The story starts out in a rather unextraordinary fashion: a man and his dog went for a hike. This particular hike was last month just outside of Salt Lake City, UT up the Grandeur Peak Trail. And the dog was Floyd, a three-year-old mastiff. The hike is a few miles each way up to the 8,000-foot peak but Floyd and his human got a little turned around and added a bit of distance trying to relocate the trail. Back on the trail with over 2 miles to go, Floyd apparently got tired and lay down. He seemed perfectly content to rest there with his human as friendly hikers passed by, many stopping to meet Floyd and chat for a bit.
It started getting dark. Fewer and fewer hikers came by and the ones that did were concerned about Floyd and his human getting out before the temperature began to really drop overnight. But Floyd wasn't going. A few passers-by were more than concerned and called for help. The call ended up with the Salt Lake City Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue team, an all-volunteer group that jumped into action. When they found out that they were rescuing a man and a dog that were "unable to move", they were puzzled but never once hesitated.
When they got to Floyd and his human, it all made sense: Floyd is a big boy. Floyd weighs 190 pounds. There was no way one person was going to carry him down the trail. Luckily, Floyd was happy to be loaded onto a stretcher and content as he was carried down the trail, finally back to the parking lot by about 10:30 pm.
He's apparently fine and happy to be back home. Kudos to the volunteers who responded and helped carry Floyd out that night. See more pictures on the team's Facebook page.
The story starts out in a rather unextraordinary fashion: a man and his dog went for a hike. This particular hike was last month just outside of Salt Lake City, UT up the Grandeur Peak Trail. And the dog was Floyd, a three-year-old mastiff. The hike is a few miles each way up to the 8,000-foot peak but Floyd and his human got a little turned around and added a bit of distance trying to relocate the trail. Back on the trail with over 2 miles to go, Floyd apparently got tired and lay down. He seemed perfectly content to rest there with his human as friendly hikers passed by, many stopping to meet Floyd and chat for a bit.
It started getting dark. Fewer and fewer hikers came by and the ones that did were concerned about Floyd and his human getting out before the temperature began to really drop overnight. But Floyd wasn't going. A few passers-by were more than concerned and called for help. The call ended up with the Salt Lake City Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue team, an all-volunteer group that jumped into action. When they found out that they were rescuing a man and a dog that were "unable to move", they were puzzled but never once hesitated.
When they got to Floyd and his human, it all made sense: Floyd is a big boy. Floyd weighs 190 pounds. There was no way one person was going to carry him down the trail. Luckily, Floyd was happy to be loaded onto a stretcher and content as he was carried down the trail, finally back to the parking lot by about 10:30 pm.
He's apparently fine and happy to be back home. Kudos to the volunteers who responded and helped carry Floyd out that night. See more pictures on the team's Facebook page.
Video Funny

Okay, even if there is a human arm in those cushions somewhere, me and the other cat are entertained.
The orange cat should be disqualified for flopping!
Cute Pets from the internets...
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