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October Pets of the Month

"Here are my two golden girls, Pippin and Ryan, proudly displaying their Lucky Pet Tags. This picture was taken during a photo shoot with our dog club."
Many thanks to Karen Ralke of Studio City, CA for this fun pic!
And this is Lola, relaxing and looking so cuddle-able.
Thank you to Patricia De Mello of Rockville, MD for this cute pic!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted pictures of their pets! If you have a great picture of your pet (showing off our tag would be nice!), you can submit it here.
If you haven't seen your picture submission in our newsletter, check out our facebook page. Once there, you can see lots of pet pics, submit more and chat with us or other pet fans!
A note before we get started...
We just found out that the company that sends our newsletters messed up and most of you didn't receive last month's issue. If you want to see what you missed, you can always find our past newsletters on our site under the "NEWS" button.
Also under that button, is a series of recent articles about pets and pet tags. Here's a couple articles to get you started:
Halloween (pet) Costumes for 2018
LuckyPet's Most Popular Pet Names from 2018
Cutting Down on Jangling Pet Tag Noise
We'll be adding more all the time. Like us on Facebook to see a post when a new article is published. Thanks for reading.
Just Like Lassie Would Have Done

Martin Hall Jr. is a tow truck driver in Mariposa, a central California town east of Yosemite National Park. The end of last month, he got a call for a job up in Coulterville, a tiny mining town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, population 201. After several missed turns, he finally found his call -but it turned out that he couldn't take the job. A wasted trip; he wasn't very happy with how his morning was going.
On his way home, he tried to find a more direct route back to the highway. He ended up on a desolate, dirt road. The farther he went, the more he questioned whether or not he should turn around. But he kept going.
Up ahead, he spotted something in the exact middle of the road. It was a small black dog. It was wearing a collar that had a leash attached to it. He slowed but the dog didn't move. It had no intention of getting out of his way. When he got out of his truck, the dog kept its distance. Hall could tell that this was someone's dog and knew he had to try and rescue it from the middle of nowhere. He even got out a piece of his sandwich to try to lure the dog.
Hall took out his phone and began filming in case the dog ran away; at least he would be able to show people what the dog looked like. As he was filming and coaxing the dog, he heard someone yell for help. Hall followed the yells and found a 67-year-old man, laying in the dirt, with another dog at his side.
The man had gone for a walk early in the morning and had fallen and broken his hip. He'd crawled about 200 yards in 5 hours and figured he was a little more than a mile from his home. One dog had stayed by his side and the other dog had gone to get help. And that's exactly what happened. I don't think there can be a different explanation for what the dogs did that morning.
"There's probably at least five, close to six things that had to happen for me to be there at the time," Hall said, reflecting on all the seemingly "wrong" decisions, it took for him to be in the "right" place.
Read more and see the video that Hall shot on the ABC30 news website.
Meowing For Help

Earlier this month, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the police got an unusual call. Someone could hear a kitten screaming from underground. Deputies from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office were dispatched. Normally, when a call involves animals, police will wait for Animal Control officers in case the animal is dangerous.
Deputy Andy Perez was one of the deputies first to arrive. He soon found a capped drain access that seemed to be close to where the frantic meowing was originating. He decided he was up to facing an angry kitten if it meant he might save it from drowning in a pipe. He began trying to pry open the metal lid.
At this point, someone began filming and captured the rest of the rescue for us to watch. The metal lid doesn't want to budge so Perez decides to pry loose, a whole chunk of concrete, including the stuck lid. With the drain pipe now exposed, light poured down on the kitten. Sensing rescue being close, the little guy ramps up his screams for help. Unfortunately, he's ten feet down the pipe. Perez has an idea. He gets a rope from his car and lowers it down. And it works! The kitten climbs up enough for Perez to grab him and get him out. He's wet but seems mostly okay.
Read more and watch the rescue on the WAFB9 news site.
Nice work deputy Perez! If the kitten's owners can't be found, a neighbor who was on the scene has first dibs on adopting the little guy.
Floating On A Couch For A Week
In keeping with our theme of "caught on video", we have a flood rescue story out of Burgaw, North Carolina.
Unknown and unseen by most of us, is the work done by countless volunteers and professionals, to save animals in the wake of disasters such as Hurricane Florence last month.
One example is the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO) that sent crews to North Carolina to assist with pet rescues. Chad Gard and Jessica Crampton are part of HSMO's Disaster Response Team and worked with Pender County Animal Control in the weeks following the hurricane. This is the story of just one of their rescues.
Soshe is a small dog who was immediately reported missing by his owner after the hurricane. Days turned into a full week before the water had receded enough for rescuers to get into the home to search. Gard and Crampton had already been to the neighborhood two times before finding the water low enough to get into the house. It was still about 7 feet deep.
Again, the rescue is on video and certainly worth a watch. To read that the water was 7 feet deep is entirely different than seeing the rescuers, hanging from the eaves of the roof to keep their heads above water. And seeing the effort required to break down a door that is underwater cannot be fully described with a few words. Watching the video brings to life the hard work and danger that each of the rescuers endures for us and our animals.
In the video, Crampton eventually squeezes through the front door and sees Soshe, floating on a couch! Rescue accomplished.
Read more on the CBS news site and make sure and watch the video.
Video Funny
The way to a Beagle's heart is apparently via his kibble. This little guy is hilarious. (10 sec)
Now I'm no expert on floof dogs but I think someone is looking for a belly rub.
(14 sec)
This clip is aptly titled "Home Alonely". This explains why dogs are so happy to see us when we get home. (10 sec)
Pets from the Internets...

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