October Pets of the Month

This is Peaches, dressed up and hanging out at the park.
Thanks to Den Reptis of Coos Bay, OR for this great picture.
This cute kitty is Texas. Her owner says she loves to stop and smell the flowers.
Thanks to V. R. of Rainier, WA for this fun pic!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted pictures of their pets! If you have a great picture of your pet (showing off our tag would be nice!), you can submit it here.
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Dog Survives California Fire

Among all the stories of loss in the California fires, this unbelievable story has been shared millions of times; a speck of joy among the sadness.
In the middle of the night, as Saturday turned to Sunday, the fires burning around Santa Rosa, CA made an unexpected turn and raced toward homes in the hills north of town. Katherine Weaver woke to see her neighborhood on fire. With only seconds to escape, they had no time to pack or even change clothes. In the frenzy to get to the car, their 9 year old Bernese panicked and ran off into the darkness. Katherine's mind raced through a hundred thoughts of what to do- but she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do if they were to save themselves from the fire roaring across their only path out.
According to daughter, Beckyjean, they literally had to drive through a wall of flames and across a burning wooden bridge to escape the fast moving fire. They made it out but were devastated to think about Izzy.
A day and a half later, as the neighborhood still smoldered, Katherine's son Jack Weaver and Beckyjean's husband Patrick Widen couldn't wait any longer. They needed to go back to see what remained of the family home and, against all logic and hope, if Izzy had somehow survived. More pragmatically, if Izzy didn't survive, they'd hoped to find her body so that Katherine didn't find her later.
Three miles from the house, the police had the roads blocked and weren't letting anyone in. Determined still, the men parked and hiked in through burned out trails and roads. As they approached the hill up to the property, Weaver began shooting video to show his family later.
He is a bit out of breath as he hikes up the hill, describing the smoky scene: a tractor that survived, the front gate, and then he can't help but swear when he sees that the house he grew up in is gone. He continues toward the house, calling for Izzy, as he had been. And then we see something move. You can feel the emotion in Weaver's voice and see it as the big dog bounds toward the camera, tail wagging. Somehow, Izzy survived.
You can read more and see the great video in the Sacramento Bee.
Dog Adopts Kitten

Here's a cute story, told in pictures on imgur, the image hosting site.
It's the story of a dog named Crosby. According to the anonymous person posting his story, Crosby had a rough year. He first lost a kitty friend last spring and then lost his best dog friend last month. He seemed to be handling it okay. But then maybe he was a bit lonely.
"On Thursday I came home, and instead of our normal routine of Crosby howling with excitement to see me, he led me straight to the bathtub. This kitty was meowing up a storm. I've never seen this kitten before, and although I do have a doggy door, it's way too high off the ground for this little baby to have snuck in. Seems to me that Crosby must have brought her inside. She has an uncanny resemblance to the kitty friend he lost 6 months ago."
Crosby's human did what we all would have done and tried to find the kitten's owner. With no tags or chip, the vet warned that the very overcrowded shelter might not be able to get her adopted. Putting her outside to see if she eventually left didn't seem right either. There was only one thing to do.
The little tabby has joined the family. She and Crosby are happily spending all their time together. You can see more pics on imgur.
Video Funny
"Come on- everyone follow me". (15 sec)
When you're not at all sure about your new sibling... (14 sec)
Startled by a sneeze. (9 sec)
Pets from the Internets...

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